
Periods, Motives and Differential Equations: between Arithmetic and Geometry

Periods occur in various branches of mathematics and as the title of our conference indicates, their study intertwines arithmetic, Diophantine analysis, differential equations, and algebraic geometry. Many interesting results have been proved in recent years and many challenging problems on periods are still open. The aim of our conference is to bring together specialists who cover all these different points of view and their ramifications, with special attention towards possible applications to broader areas of the techniques developed in the study of periods and their realizations.

Yves André has contributed in many ways to this ongoing adventure and this conference will not only be the opportunity to listen to a broad range of recent developments in mathematics around the topic of periods, but also to celebrate his 60th birthday.

Download the poster of the conference (old version from 2020!) 


Photo Vincent Montcorgé


Institut Henri Poincaré,

from April 11th to April 15th, 2022

(initially planned in April 2020, and rescheduled because of the sanitary crisis). 




Registrations will close on April 3rd, 2022. Online particpants should registered to obtain the link to attend the conference. 

The list of participants is accessible only to registered logged users. 

Live at IHP:


Yous can read the news here

Scientific Committee 

Francesco Baldassarri (Università di Padova), Daniel Bertrand (Sorbonne Université), Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin), Bruno Kahn (Sorbonne Université, CNRS), Umberto Zannier (Scuola Normale di Pisa)

Organizing Committee

Bruno R. Chiarellotto (Università di Padova), Lucia Di Vizio (Université de Versailles, CNRS), Emmanuel Lepage (Sorbonne Université), Christian Liedtke (Technische Universität München)


We are deeply saddened by Bas Edixhoven’s passing.

We think of him, his family and friends.


PROGRAM [all the abstracts] [ical]






9:15-90:30 : Welcoming speech

9:30-10:30 : Peter Scholze (MPIM Bonn), Analytic Geometry  

Coffee break

11:00-12:00 : Joseph Ayoub  (University of Zurich), Anabelian representations of the motivic Galois group

9:30-10:30 :  Peter O'Sullivan  (Australian National University), Motives, groups and vector bundles

Coffee break

11:00-12:00 : Frans Oort (Utrecht University), The Hecke Orbit conjecture [BEAMER]  [SURVEY OF THE TALK]

9:00-10:00 [Online]: Nobuo Tsuzuki (Tohoku University), Generic bounded solutions and maximal slope quotients of overconvergent F-isocrystals on curves [SLIDES]

10:10-11:10 : Annette Werner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), The p-adic Corlette-Simpson correspondence for abeloids

Coffee break

11:40-12:40: Ben Moonen (Radboud Universiteit), Gushel-Mukai varieties in characteristic p

9:30-10:30 : Tanguy Rivoal (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS), Siegel’s problem for E-functions [SLIDES]

Coffee break

11:00-12:00 :  Javier Fresán  (École polytechnique), E-functions and geometry

9:00-10:00 [Online]: Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto), Primitives of algebraic functions

Coffee break

10:30-11:30 : Jonathan Pila (University of Oxford), Point-counting and the André-Oort conjecture

11h30-11h45: Closing speech

14:30-15:30 :  Luc Illusie (Université Paris-Saclay), New perspectives on de Rham cohomology, after Bhatt-Lurie, Drinfeld, et al. [SLIDES]

Coffee break

16:00-17:00 [Online]: Bhargav Bhatt (University of Michigan), André's flatness lemma and applications [NOTES]

14:30-15:30 : Anna Cadoret (Sorbonne Université), Degeneration loci of l-adic local systems

Coffee break

16:00-17:00 : François Loeser (Sorbonne Université), Limits of complex integrals



14:30-15:30 : Julien Roques  (Université de Lyon 1), Hypergeometric mirror maps

Coffee break

16:00-17:00 [Online]: Pietro Corvaja (Università degli studi di Udine), Rational and holomorphic sections of abelian schemes



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